Radiation protection registration of equipment in Hungary and expert opinion needed to it, respectively, is required by Para 4, item (1) and Annex 3, item (5) of the Decree No. 16/2000. (VI. 8.) of the Minister of Health. It replaces the former “radiation protection qualification testing” (as it was pointed out formerly, testing again is prohibited) and its aim is to check whether:
a) the product legally bears CE marking, and
b) user’s manual (instructions for use) of the product in Hungarian and its data sheet contains – without any error and correctly (e.g. in SI-units) – all data and warnings, important from radiation protection point of view.
Checking according to item a) always contains ask for a copy of the manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity for the given product. Such a declaration has to be always attached to the product, independently of its type or whether contribution of a NB is obligatory or not. Further procedure depends on the applicable directive. Most of products have to conform to several directives (e.g. electromagnetic compatibility) but NRIRR deals with radiation protection aspects only.
The original document is available at http://537999.nhjqzg.asia/tiki-index.php?page=Rules+of+radiation+protection+registration+of+equipment+in+Hungary