Regulation of technical quality control of diagnostic radiology equipment

Joining European Union of Hungary made obligatory adoption accepted practice of more developed countries which is contained also in legislation of EU. Council Directive 97/43/Euratom about radiation protection of patients 1 requires – among others – the good practice of (physical-technical) quality assurance. To achieve it, In Hungary, Decree No. 31/2001. (X.3.) of the Minister of Health harmonizes all of its requirements, according to the following:
„12. § (2) Before putting into use, NRIRR (“Frédéric Joliot-Curie” National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene) performs acceptance testing (on radiologic equipment) for determining operational parameters which later on will serve as comparison values in the quality assurance program.
13. § (1) Licensee is obliged to perform QC/QA actions …
(2) Daily QC check of radiological equipment is performed by the licensee while (full) QC tests annually and after any major maintenance are performed by accredited testing organizations. All testing shall be reported. Radiation protection authority supervises whether tests are performed and the needed actions implemented.”

The original document is available at