Let be a Fourier transformation of
. Determine the inverse Fourier transformation i.e.
function under the following condition:
Determine the Laplace transformation of the following functions:
, and
Determine the inverse Laplace transformation of the following function:
Find the solution of the following differential equation!
where is the initial condition.
Find the solution of the following linear second ordered differential equation!
, with the initial conditions
Find the solution of the following linear third ordered differential equation!
, with the initial conditions
Let be the step response function of a linear shift invariant system. Determine the system response function if the input function is
Two diagrams of a characteristic transfer function (amplitude and phase) are presented below. Shape-preserving transfer is executing within the frequency band. Please, determine the weighting function of the linear invariant system.
Step response function of a system is : . Please determine the weighting function of the system!
Transfer characteristic of a system is as follow:
Please determine the step response function of the system by the transfer characteristic!
Solve the following partial differential equation with the following initial conditions
The original document is available at http://537999.nhjqzg.asia/tiki-index.php?page=Problems+%28Linear+Systems%29