Equipment required

There is a list of equipment below that will be found useful for quality control checks. Some of these are related to specific test methods. In this case a reference is given to the paragraph in which the test is described:

  • ruler (this should be accurate to 0.5 mm);
  • plumb-line;
  • spirit level (sensitivity 0.2-3 mm/m) for horizontal and vertical use;
  • carbon paper (Section 4.1);
  • free-standing pointer, such as an engineer’s scribing block (Section 4.1);
  • sheet of accurately ruled graph paper approximately 30 x 40 cm (Section 6.2);
  • film phantom (Section 9.1);
  • photographic film of width at least 25 cm (Section 9.1);
  • simple film densitometer to measure optical density at a point;
  • thermometer and barometer;
  • stop-watch;
  • thimble ionisation chamber and electrometer;
  • daily output check dosemeter (Section 12.3);
  • 40 cm focal length lens (Section 2.5);
  • scanning densitometer;
  • beam profile scanning equipment (Section 11.1);
  • dose plotting water tank;
  • weights for loading the couch.


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