Since the 'quality' had legal aspects the consistent, professional formulation has been essential. Thus, the European Organization for Quality created the International Quality Definitions Dictionary from which I quote some definitions :
Quality Requirement : A set of metrics which is used to be quantified the requests in regulation form in order to describe and evaluate quality of the product or service.
Specification : Accurate specification outlining system capabilities algorithms (incl. capabilities and limitations)
Conformity : manufacturer's details, essential characteristics the product complies; any European standards and performance data; if relevant the identification number of the Notified Body; and a legally binding signature on behalf of the organization.
Quality Assurance, QA : All planned and systematic actions necessary to provide confidence that a product will satisfy requirements for quality.
Quality Control, QC : The regulatory process through which the actual quality performance is measured, compared with existing standards, and the actions necessary to keep or regain conformance with the standards.
There are two types of quality systems in Europe:
Accreditation : it is the establishment of the status, legitimacy or appropriateness of an institution, programme (i.e. composite of modules) or module of study.
Calibration : is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device.
International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources in the Appendix II. give a definition of quality assurance programmes for medical exposure.
Quality assurance programmes for medical exposures shall include:
(a) measurements of the physical parameters of the radiation generators, imaging devices and irradiation installations at the time of commissioning and periodically thereafter;
(b) verification of the appropriate physical and clinical factors used in patient diagnosis or treatment;
(c) written records of relevant procedures and results;
(d) verification of the appropriate calibration and conditions of operation of dosimetry and monitoring equipment; and
(e) as far as possible, regular and independent quality audit reviews of the quality assurance programme for radiotherapy procedures.
Monitoring of measuring, testing and checking indicators condition
The point of the activity:
Head of Medical Physics Department is responsible for the calibration procedures should be adequately documented and they are also regularly carried out. In this connection, his/her round of duties are in below:
1. Biggs, D. S., Thomson, E. S., Ball, K. A>: Implementation of ISO 9000 in a radiotherapy physics department. Rad. Közl. 33, Suppl. 1. 25-29 (1997)
2. ISO 9002 Quality systems. Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing. 1987. (angol változat: BS 5750, adaptálása a sugárterápiára a QART 3.
3. Bleehen 1991 Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy. Report of a Working Party of the Standing Subcommittee on Cancer of the Standing Medical Advisory Committee May 1991 (London: Department of Health)
4. BS EN ISO 9002: 1994 Quality systems. Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing.
5. EC 1997 Council Directive 97/43/EURATOM 30 June 1997. Health Protection of Individuals Against the Dangers of Ionizing Radiation in Relation to Medical Exposure Official Journal of the European Communities OJ No L180/22
6. 31/2001. (X. 3.) EüM rendelet Az egészségügyi szolgáltatások nyújtása során ionizáló sugárzásnak kitett személyek egészségének védelmérõl
7. IPEM 81 Physics Aspects of Quality Control in Radiotherapy (Edts.: W.P.M. Mayles, R. Lake, A. McKenzie, E.M. Macaulay, H.M. Morgan, T.J. Jordan and S.K. Powley) The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. York, 1999 ISBN 0 904181 91 X
The original document is available at