Example to a Maximum Likelihood estimation
Example to a Maximum Likelihood estimation
Let us take N number of yi measured datapoint, that are indepedent but were produced by the same process which can be described by a normal distribution with
expected value, and
The joint probability density function of the independent yi events is the product of the individual pdf's:
The log-likelihood function reads:
We now look for the maximum by differentiating and setting the result equal to zero:
from that our estimation for is:
the average of the measured data. The partial derivatives according to :
from that:
For completeness we mention that the formula for the variance we still have an unknown , and we may get tempted to estimate it by
. As it is well known this would result in a biased estimate, that can be corrected by a factor of N/(N-1).
Now we proceed with estimation theory and the Bayesianestimators.